hmmm… this draft says i’m supposed to start with a link to the country fair site. there it is, blue and shiny, daring you to click it. i doubt you’ll be disappointed, much like the fair itself, that link is loaded with surprises and secrets. what an experience. definitely worth repeating, though my hopes are that next years fair won’t be quite as hot. that’s two fairs in a row with odd weather, first one a mud puddle, second a mud puddle also, but from hippie sweat instead of rain.
the fair itself is a weekend long event set in some beautiful country, near a creek, under the trees, so the shade provides a blessed shelter from the sun, unlike some other fairs. the crowd is colorful and cheery, though littered with gawkers like myself, and not as wild as it once was, or so i’m told. to tell the truth, it’s wild enough for me.
words can’t really describe it, so i’ll put the words to good use and encourage you to go. it’s worth it. to finish off this word sandwich, here comes a link at the bottom to some photos of the event.