Vet Visit: Taking the Jabs

Today was Tubaloo’s final round of kitty immunizations, we wrapped up the FCRV and Rabies vaccines with the vet, who gave Tubaloo a clean bill of health! Other than being pretty vocal about disliking the car ride to the vets office, everything went super smoothly, and we were thrilled to hear that he’s doing well, now that we got that scab all healed and we know the microchip is no longer about to pop out of his skin. 🙂

The only complaint I’d say is that those shots were supposed to make him sleepy, and he was as wired and crazy as ever all nite!

In Memoriam: Honeybear

Most of you already know this since it happened back in January, but we lost Honeybear. We found out in January of 2009 that she has a disease called Megacolon, for which there’s not really a cure. More information found here:

Once we found out, we started her on medication to help keep it under control and keep her healthy. The unfortunate side is that the medication can become less effective over time. This was the case with our little girl. We had her as long as possible with her healthy but had to let her go on January 3rd this year as the medication was no longer working. It was really difficult for me to let her go. I got her shortly before I finished high school when she was first born and had her as my little girl for almost 7 years. Nathan and I will really miss her craziness. I will likely be posting some favorite memories of her on this site eventually.

Photos of Honeybear are here:

Waking My Humans

You know… humans should really appreciate me more. I do everything I can to make sure that they’re awake and ready for the day on time but they never thank me. I even make sure that mommy’s noise-maker is riiiight under her head when it goes off so she doesn’t sleep through it. And if that doesn’t work, I can usually make enough ruckas to ensure that they’re awake. Do I get a morning pet for all my troubles? No. Just a quick shove off the bed. The nerve of these humans!