Family Visit August 2009

We recently were able to make a trip down to Glide to visit my family. It’s been quite a while since I was able to get down there and see everyone so even though it was a quick trip we both had a blast.

We drove down the night of Friday 8/14/09 and headed back up Sunday afternoon (8/16/09). I must say…..driving for 4 hours at night after getting up at 5 AM is never fun. The drive down gave Nathan and I a chance to enjoy some music on the way down and discuss hopeful plans for the trip.

Friday night was mainly spent at Jimmy and Krystal’s since I don’t get to see or hear from them often. I really wish that they would get their butts up here to Portland. There is some awesome stuff they would love. I got to see some of Jimmy’s recent photos and get caught up on all the happenings. Seems like Krystal is super-busy working which is spiff. I was lucky enough to be able to catch her at a time where she wasn’t coming from or going to work. It was really nice to get to sit and visit with them both for a couple hours. At some point around 10:30 PM, I was starting to feel my eyes closing without my control. I think after being up since 5 AM it was time to call it a night.

Saturday we got up around the crack of 10 and to ready to drive up in the woods with mom and dad to do some sight-seeing and try to pick berries. We drove up little river and made it nearly to the top of one of the mountains. The view was amazing. We also got a chance to pick some awesomely delicious Black-Cap Raspberries. It was a really nice day trip filled with a bit more dust than desired but beautiful sights and some very surprised wildlife.

Before completely heading down the mountain, we made a stop at a rock quarry to allow the boys to shoot some guns. Nathan was having a blast. As we’re city people, we don’t get a chance to go shoot off weapons much. Nathan looked like a nervous kid in a candy store when asked which gun he’d like to bring. (Dad’s arsenal doesn’t make it an easy decision) Nathan finally decided on a beastly looking rifle. *I think it’s a 45-70 caliper?* Anywho…the boys had fun shooting stuff.

Sunday was a bit more relaxed. Grandma Hatcher and Ronny came out to visit. I hadn’t realized how long it’d been since I’ve seen them. I’ve really missed getting to visit with them over the past few years. I’m working on trying to get some sort of family tree put together (wanna make a picture of it for the house) so I’m going to be seeing grandma at some point soon to gather info. I think she’s pretty much got ALL the information on family history anyways.

Well…..that’s about all for the trip. We did get a chance to take some pictures. 🙂

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